Ensemble 之旅s

Ensemble 之旅s

Directed by Adam Potter

We are going to the Baltics in 2023! Stay tuned for more exciting announcements!

If you are interested in hosting our group, email music@罗伯茨.edu or call 585.594.6101

Wind Ensemble 之旅
Directed by Paul Shewan


If you are interested in hosting our group, email music@罗伯茨.edu or call 585.594.6101.

Our Sound

A Little 关于 Us

热爱音乐表演,渴望有意义的基督教团契, 美高梅mgm平台管乐团和合唱团的才华横溢的乐器演奏家和歌手艺术家结合他们的天赋来培养卓越的音乐. These groups represent the well known Department of Music & Performing Arts at Roberts, 是由全国音乐学院协会专业认证的吗.

Wind Ensemble
自豪地记录了罗恩·尼尔森的合唱和乐队的商业录音在奥尔巴尼标签. 作曲家称其为“权威的录音……令人瞠目结舌的表演”.这个乐团每年都带着标准的管乐团作品巡回演出.

This select vocal 系综 recently performed Vivaldi's Gloria, Bach’s Magnificat, Handel's Messiah, and Mozart's Solemn Vespers, Haydn's Little Organ Mass and Te Deum in C, Rutter’s Gloria, and music by Tallis, Palestrina, Telemann, Schubert, Mendelssohn, 布拉姆斯, and Bruckner, to name just a few. 除了与罗切斯特爱乐乐团和罗伯茨卫斯理乐团的音乐会, 合唱团每年在当地和地区教堂举行几场演出.



talented instrumentalists



angelic vocal performers


Major tour destinations




majors represented by non-music majors



total tour stops across the northeast in 2015

Meet the Talent

Adam Potter

Adam Potter

Director of 合唱团

This is Adam's first year directing the Roberts Wesleyan 合唱团. 他为团队计划了许多新的和令人兴奋的节目,并期待着与学生们一起体验他的第一次旅行.

music talent

Paul Shewan

Director of Wind Ensemble & Community Orchestra

“当我还是罗伯茨大学的学生时,管乐团的巡演是我大学经历中最精彩的部分. I believe that is still true with our current students. It is more than a time for deepening friendships; it is often a life changing experience both musically and spiritually.”

music talent

Monica Ramich '16


“合唱团 tour was always a highlight of the school year for me, 不仅因为它给了美高梅mgm平台为新观众表演音乐的机会, 但也因为美高梅mgm平台作为一个整体一起度过了美好的时光. I have many fond memories of past tours, 但我最享受的是与我的乐团成员们越来越亲密,因为美高梅mgm平台与他人分享了美高梅mgm平台的音乐天赋. It definitely creates a special bond!”

music talent

Joe Finazzo '14


“巡演是一段很棒的经历,可以让美高梅mgm平台作为一个整体和一个家庭团结起来,成长起来. You spend a LOT of time together, see a lot of fun things and places, 还会遇到很多很棒的家庭和/或其他学生和表演者. It's a lot of fun for everyone involved, 你会学到很多关于你正在演唱的音乐和你正在演唱的乐队的知识.”

music talent

Emily Bartz '17


“Wind Ensemble tour is a highlight of the semester. 从公共汽车上的棋盘游戏到Euchre锦标赛或在酒店游泳,再到观光和探索, it is an excellent way to bond with the 系综 family. 这些音乐会是我参加过的音乐上最令人满意、最充满活力的演出之一. 之旅 is a blast!”

music talent

Joshua Meyer ’15


“巡演是深入了解乐队成员的好方法. 这是一次难以置信的音乐体验,为全国各地的观众巡回演出. 它总是有趣和令人兴奋的,也是每个学年的亮点.”


We would love to play for you! Book us at your venue!


We don’t charge for concerts

美高梅mgm平台要求场地在节目结束时考虑捐赠/提供,用于促销和录音. Ask us about doing  benefit concerts for you!


One hour long

美高梅mgm平台的乐团准备了一个小时的音乐,美高梅mgm平台可以根据您的场地需要量身定制. Performances are 30 minutes minimum.


Types of 场馆 we’re looking to serve


Questions? 联系 Rebecca Gartland
Phone: (585) 594-6101
电子邮件: music@罗伯茨.edu

What People Are Saying

“I was very impressed with the Wind Ensemble concert at our school, 美高梅mgm平台的学生团体很开心,它提供了一个很好的窗口,让美高梅mgm平台了解高中以后的表现选择. My 系综 really enjoyed working with Dr. Shewan在诊所和音乐会期间与管乐团一起演奏的机会是首屈一指的!”
–Shane Bonney, West Canada Valley CSD

“Our students had a great experience. They were truly inspired. One of our middle school students, who observed a portion of the clinic, 那天晚些时候,他说:“这是我12年生命中听到的最美好的事情!"
–Terry Gordon, Mekeel Christian Academy

“As an alumnus of Roberts and a trumpet player, 我特别喜欢罗伯茨卫斯理管乐团在斯克内克塔迪第一长老会教堂的演出, NY.  该团继续以优异的成绩表演各种各样的音乐曲目.  I was impressed with how Dr. Paul Shewan能够鼓励学生们如此充满活力的表演."
–Jonathan Mariano, First Presbyterian Church

“Thank you for the opportunity to host the wind 系综! They were and are a fine group of young professionals. It was a pure joy to have them perform for us at KSCC. We were very impressed with their behavior. We would be open to have them again."
–Pastor Lee Sweeney, Knapps Station Community Church

The Wind Ensemble was professional in their demeanor and setup. 我的学生喜欢和他们一起玩,并从体验不同的导演中受益. 学校作为一个整体,通过一系列的选择和通过合奏团与观众之间的互动,在音乐会中既受教育又娱乐.

- Melody Shipley, Christian Central Academy

美高梅mgm平台很高兴罗伯茨卫斯理合唱团访问了美高梅mgm平台的小镇,这是一次多么美妙的经历啊! Our community in Frankfort, 2016年春天,纽约有幸在圣母使徒皇后教堂举办了罗伯茨合唱团. The performance was beyond speculator; the voices filled the church with angelic sounds. With the Roberts Wesleyan 合唱团 tour coming to our community, not only were we blessed with the performance, 但美高梅mgm平台也有机会在家里接待几名学生. 美高梅mgm平台社区里其他接待学生的家庭仍然对这些学生的礼貌和愉快赞不绝口. The Roberts musicians were a pure joy! 美高梅mgm平台强烈鼓励任何团体或社区考虑邀请罗伯茨卫斯理学院合唱团在他们的场地表演, be it a church, a school, or a nursing home. 在David Chin的领导下,你不会有更好的表现和经验.

-The Spaman family

“RWC管乐乐团以迷人的曲目娱乐了美高梅mgm平台的学生. The 系综 sounded the best I have heard them and the French horns blew our students away. Dr. Shewan was a blast and was a true entertainer.”
–Joe Stork, Corning-Painted Post High School, Band Director

“与罗伯茨卫斯理合唱团合作是一次美妙的经历. 从计划和准备一直到执行和表现, the chorale was an absolute joy to work with. Directed by David Chin, the students’ performance was exceptional and they engaged really well with the people of our church.”
–Ben Tinsch, North Syracuse Baptist Church

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